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Hello to All
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Hello to All! Firstly, I discovered this Arch based gem on Distrowatch, recently added to waiting list section. Like many of you I began my Linux journey with the 'helper' or beginner distros, starting with Ubuntu 8.10. A few years later I took the Arch plunge and haven't looked back. Over the years I have put various distro's on many a laptop, to check them out, tinker or whatnot. The older I get the less patience I have with setting up a fresh Arch install. I was using Endeavour but found Xero.
The presentation is top notch and I admire the Latte setup because I too use(d) Latte. KDE is just an added bonus. I did turn off the update notifier and change a few settings to my liking, BUT! Xero's default is utterly a breath of fresh air. Aside from a splash screen error using the Mocha screen (solved by just using Breeze) I've experienced no issues.

Thanks for a fantastic distro!
That error is Catppuccin's fault, can't do anything about it, it's supposed to be disabled when you use Catppuccin on Xero.

I made the majority of the Catppuccin Rice, glad you enjoy it.
Hello i discovered this marvelous OS watch one other you-tubers. I have been distro hopping for some time and decided to give xero-OS a try. I have to say i am pleased i did some small tweaks but for the most part i really didn't have to do a lot of customization. That saved me a lot of time.I do have a KDE question with the hopes the answer you give may improve my work flow . How do i go from the English language to the Arabic language just for word documents youtube and the internet. Back and forth with out changing the system language?

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